A Perfect Being
What would I do? If I was an author in my own right, living on her own wherever she ends up in the world, I would have a library, full of all the books of the world that tickles my brain and keeps my attention. I would have a garden full of all kinds of plants because I'm not averse to any. I would have white walls and grey lounges, glass tables and mahogany desks and shelves. I'll have colors and I'll have none. My resting place will be in shades of black and grey because colors are mentally too loud It'll be the biggest room in the house because loud thoughts need to scream. I'll have the perfect patio that opens up into a space not disturbed by beautiful towering trees- only because, I would wish to see the stars at night. I'll spend most of my nights on that patio, drinking all the alcohol my body could contain because it is then that my thoughts recognize themselves. I act, think, and do transparently, to everyone else and not just myself. I say everyo...