
Showing posts from 2019

5 Interesting theories about Humanity

Disclaimer: None of the theories below have been supported by an accredited association lol, strictly Vicky’s mind dives. Life in general, has got to be one of the biggest mysteries my little brain has had the pleasure of thinking about. For creatures who live in a system, governed and regulated, humans truly have absolutely no idea what they’re doing here, for what reason and by whose orders. Humanity has been in existence for eons now, you would think that someone would have figured it out. No one did, but many tried. Today, we have beliefs, religion, and Gods. All because we need an explanation, because we are scared of what lies beyond death, and because nobody truly knows. I don’t argue at all, that the many belief systems we have are false or misleading, but I do agree that it’s all based on faith, because absolutely nobody knows for sure. Faith is basically a way to assure us that even though we don’t know for sure, its true. I understand I may sound like an atheist, ...