5 Interesting theories about Humanity

Disclaimer: None of the theories below have been supported by an accredited association lol, strictly Vicky’s mind dives.

Life in general, has got to be one of the biggest mysteries my little brain has had the pleasure of thinking about. For creatures who live in a system, governed and regulated, humans truly have absolutely no idea what they’re doing here, for what reason and by whose orders. Humanity has been in existence for eons now, you would think that someone would have figured it out. No one did, but many tried. Today, we have beliefs, religion, and Gods. All because we need an explanation, because we are scared of what lies beyond death, and because nobody truly knows. I don’t argue at all, that the many belief systems we have are false or misleading, but I do agree that it’s all based on faith, because absolutely nobody knows for sure.

Faith is basically a way to assure us that even though we don’t know for sure, its true. I understand I may sound like an atheist, I am actually a christian catholic, born and raised in a traditional belief system so old, it involves spirits of the natural elements. There is some truth to every single belief system that humanity carries over time, because they all had to have come from somewhere. However, I do think that humans have complicated it too much, to the point that we have established rules within those belief systems and we carry them out quite successfully.

I prefer to think that it’s all pretty basic. For one, how could the bigger entity expect us to know and understand the complexities of which is beyond the earth’s lifetime, literally? And for another, humans are simple creatures in general YET the human brain is so complex, we are literally only capable of using 10% of it, that which has helped humanity survive this long. Therefore, to better understand the complexities of life, I chose to think about the simplicity of it instead, starting with something as trivial as trust.

I cannot imagine a person like me fully re-trusting a person after being violated the first time, be that physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Humans are flawed that way; somewhere in God’s great design of the human psyche, is instilled a natural sense of what seems like a prey-predator/vice-versa system, dynamically of course. Imagine having one very important person in your life, that you cannot trust with your life, on anything. That mistrust plagues your mind, which inevitably shows through your physique, weight gain/loss, acne, etc. That's just your nervous system telling you that something is very wrong. These days when people say "healthy," they think of eating your greens, counting your calories and working out. Nutrient wise, that’s very healthy, even mentally--it’s very healthy. But the mind requires a different form of nutrient; and the mind as it so happens, is key to what happens to the body, how it reacts, how it fares in general.

Once a person undergoes mental pain, such as a lack of trust in someone they want so badly to trust, it is pure and basic trauma to the natural mental state, the oldest one in the book. It’s one thing for it to hurt you emotionally, but emotions are fleeting--they come and they go. The cycle of emotions is meant to break naturally from time to time, thus hurting. The mental state is basically the human software; pain-caused trauma literally alters that state. And once changed, the hardware (body) HAS to follow and adapt to this new program. It’s a basic explanation as to why people lose weight when they're sad, even as meals are being kept up with. Yes, meals do control the type of body you have, to some extent. But your body does not belong to the food--it just needs it, really. Your body belongs to your mind. It’s why some people get traumatized and some don't, under certain circumstances.

As contradicting as it sounds, human beings need inconsistency as much as they crave consistency. People NEED change; they may not want it, they may not have it, but they always NEED it. Their minds need it. The ones who seem to not want change is only scared of it. They are scared of what they don't know; they lack a sense of trust in themselves to handle anything different than what they currently are. The brain is like a kid; when you give it a playground, it’s happy. But if you keep taking the kid to the same playground over and over again, he or she eventually grows tiresome and the kid acts out. Now some of those kids are just too shy to challenge the decision maker into providing a new playground, symbolically reflective in the form of insecurities.

The mind is a creative place to be, if one can manage when to be there and when not to. Your mind may own your body, but you own your mind. If the mind is constantly learning and discovering new things, the effects of that on the body as a whole is effective if not physically apparent. For people who exercise this daily, they literally feel a sense of gratitude towards life and are overall much happier. Subtly, that is the brain saying “Thank you” to its person. With every sad moment, the brain loses cells; pain causes brain cells to die. And so with every piece of new information that you introduce your brain to, every new sight, every new emotion, every new person or fact to learn, your brain produces cells--healthier and happier cells. Because fundamentally, the brain’s job is to simply think. It always needs things to think about. And its favorite thing to think about is something new. Perpetuity is dangerous to human growth.

So what happens to the bad things? What happens to all the bad cells? All the pain and the trauma? Well, nothing; they stay there and the mind and body will eventually just adapt and adapt, until one day, every cell that was present during, has been replaced and you’re a new person all over again, equipped to take on bigger challenges until the challenge is too big, and then it starts all over. You see, we humans are always evolving. With every second and every new cell, evolution is taking place. So even if you wanted to, you couldn’t possibly harbor old pain for a long time. You may harbor the memory of it, but not the pain itself, because your whole system would have cleared it out. Your software rebooted and new firewalls introduced--your basic defense mechanism. Humans love to do themselves the disservice of thinking their pain is bigger than they are.That would imply that there pain is bigger than life itself. What they mean to say is that the moment is bigger than they are.

The pain comes in the moment, and then it lingers but it will naturally go away. That moment is the one you will carry with you in the form of memory, the only one your body or mind can never get rid of. For instance, you could be having a perfectly good day without feeling any pain and then you see something that reminds you of a loved one you lost, and you have no choice but to refer back to a moment; it may be painful and that pain will only come because you thought of that moment. As is time, we are only able to measure emotions through moments. People who separate that pain from that moment, think that they’re constantly pained by the loss. It’s not possible. Your brain will literally overcome the pain because: defense mechanism! You just keep referring back to a painful moment, which pains you but NEVER to the same extent it did. And then eventually, you start to remember more happier memories and suddenly, you start to finally feel at peace. The farther you are from the moment, the lesser the pain, and then finally it’s no more. Its almost comparable to a time-pain spectrum, if there is ever such a thing. Evolution is time ticking away and giving new life, every second it ticks away.

While evolution is quite a literal thing, it does not happen simultaneously. Each and every being is at different stages in their evolutionary timetable. In fact, Darwin’s theory of natural selection supports the idea quite well. Darwin introduced an idea short from survival of the fittest. Fundamentally, those who can adapt to their environment will live, not evolve. Because “evolving” at this point is simply the process of adapting. Human beings now are much more intelligent than before, and this intelligence could be emotional, mental or just strictly logical.

There is an intelligence in the brain that allows you to be curious and to find explanations to the things you deem a mystery. This intelligence grows from what you think about, what you feed your brain basically. An emotional intelligence is the one that allows you to discern fact from emotions, memories of pain from pain itself, and surprisingly, also the one that allows you to be sympathetic towards others, to be compassionate or to be stern. This intelligence harbors off of your own personal experiences and what you took out of it, your own growth and your earned wisdom. Ultimately, all of that is meant to make you better, not that there was anything bad before, but there is always new ways to grow. Its quite hard to survive evolution with strictly a logical standpoint. Because one thing humans at the beginning of time relied on and searched mindlessly for, is human connection.

Human connection is everything. From the moment you’re born to the day you die, you will need and want human connection. Humans aren’t meant to be alone, we are very much social creatures. Connections is how we grow as individuals or as a community, much effective as a community but faster as an individual. A person’s ability to trust and be trusted is their ability to honor that connection that they have with others, and in some cases, with themselves. Its vital to creating communities, running governments, and maintaining relationships, all of which are products of the time and growth that humans have spent on this earth; evolution. To sever that trust link that connects us all to each other, mentally and emotionally, is to take a step back from the progress that has been standing with time and science together through eons. For one individual to sever that link, they isolate themselves; the inability to freely and openly trust is there because they carry with them the memory of the pain that comes with trusting a weak link. So in some way and for the time being, they pause their own growth and may or may not resume, both of which are entirely dependent on their intelligence to better understand it all.

So religion and belief systems may or may not actually have anything to do with the higher purpose. But with all the pain and suffering in the world, it’s a wonder how humanity survived this long; and it’s no wonder why we established belief systems too. To me, that is evidence that even though life is bigger than all of us, humanity is still bigger than life. Because though humans die, our very humane ability to create, connect, learn, relate and grow as a whole race, through time, is still ever strong. There are more than 7 billion people in the world, and each of us is important in different ways, but we are all very much replaceable to evolution and to our own experiences. Nothing is new and we aren’t the first humans. This earth is playground to our child-like selves; we are only here to learn it, learn life, learn the earth, and learn humanity. After all, we are doomed to die. It’s only just our turn now. And I think that’s as simple as I can get it to and still accept it for what it is

-All love, vjl


  1. Wow! Mind-blown! Some of the things you said in this piece are straight up facts based on my experiences. Some definitely opened up my mind and got me thinking more. Great piece!!


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