Amidst My Intermittent Nature

The universe used to be so small. 
It used to consist of only three stars in the night sky, 
the trees in my backyard and my thoughts- 
my thoughts that never could recognize themselves. 

Somewhere between the peace of being absolutely still 
and the speed of which I'm always moving, 
my thoughts present themselves over and over again- 
and I realize,
that amidst my intermittent nature,
there is much for me to be gentle for.

From the moment I get up out of bed,
with my eyes partially half closed,
face swollen, morning breath,
and walking reflexively to the restroom 
posed like a zombie-
to the minute I leave the restroom,
face washed, teeth brushed,
and straight to the coffee pot,
where my real morning routine starts,
with a complex personal self-served coffee order,
that I computatively go through without error,
as I'm thinking my thoughts and thinking no thoughts- 
thoughts that don't recognize themselves.

The universe now consist of my intermittent nature,
that is order and disorder, chaos and efficiency,
thoughts and no thoughts,
thoughts that rarely ever recognize themselves.
Amidst my intermittent nature,
I love, hate and rest transparently,
everything and nothing,
because all things simply pass through.

Amidst my intermittent nature, I am my universe.


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